Freelance Digital Marketer In Malappuram


Myself Liyana, a Freelance Digital Marketer In Malappuram, with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a certification in Digital Marketing course from CDA  Academy in Calicut. as a Freelance Digital Marketer, i have a dedication for develop visually appealing and interesting substances that promote the growth of businesses. I specialized in using web development, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email marketing and SEM Google Ads. If you are looking to Collaborate and Drive your online Success, feel free to contact me today.

Hello Section Freelance Digital Marketer In Malappuram

What is Freelance Digital Marketing?

 Freelance digital marketing involves providing marketing services to clients on a contract or project basis, rather than being employed full-time by a single company. As a freelance digital marketer, I’m working independently ,offering a range of digital marketing services to businesses or individuals seeking to enhance their online presence, reach their target audience and boost their sales or visibility.

My Services

Website Development

Web development refers to the process of creating and maintaining websites or web applications that are accessible via the internet. It involves various tasks, such as designing the layout, writing code, adding functionality, and making the site accessible to users. Here are some essential steps and aspects of website development.


Social media marketing is a way in which you market your brands, products, services or content using social media platforms. For this you can take social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, twitter or Youtube which are used by more people.

Content Marketing

You should always put fresh content to your target audience but only audience will always attract you. By doing this, you will get to know more audience and your marketing will grow. Content marketing is a form of strategic marketing.


Search engine optimization(SEO) refers to the process of optimizing online content or a website to improve your marketing ranking and increase visibility on search engine result pages(SERP) when your audience searches. The primary goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website by making it more search engine-friendly and relevant to users' search queries.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages to a group of people via email. It is a popular and effective way for businesses to communicate with their target audience, build relationships, and promote products or services. Here are some key aspects of email marketing.

SEM-Google ads

SEM is paid advertising to enhance your site's ranking, while SEO is free and focuses on organic tactics. SEM allows businesses to reach a wider audience and attract more traffic to their website through targeted advertising. By targeting specific keywords and demographics, businesses can ensure that their ads are being shown to the right audience at the right time


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Freelance Digital marketing?
  2. What Does a Freelance Digital Marketer do?
  3. What services can a Freelance Digital Marketer Offer?
  4. What tools are essential for a Freelance Digital Marketer?
  5. How can a Freelance Digital Marketer ensure success?

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